Attend talks and debates on farming today.
Gain insight into different farms and their methods.
Meet fellow agriculturalists and make new friends.
Be inspired!
Sample delicious food and drink at our lunch events.
Spark your adventurous spirit.
If you would like to become a member or have been a member in the past and wish to return, please do get in touch.
Being a member allows you attend our lunches and events.
Do you know someone who is already a member, then come along as their guest and if you like the club then sign up as a member
Membership is £25 per year, payable on 1st January or on joining.
Qualification for Membership and Club Rules
The Management shall be in the hands of a Committee consisting of a Chairman, Vice Chairman, Honorary Treasurer, Honorary Secretary plus other ordinary committee members.
The officers and members of the Committee will be elected at the Annual General Meeting held in February. The office of Chairman should not be held for more than one year. The office of Vice Chairman will be held for one year and will be the person selected as Chairman the following year.
The Committee has the power to fill any casual vacancy occurring in its ranks during the year, and any member thus elected will serve for the unexpired term of the member in whose place he is appointed.
The nomination of a proposed new member will be made either by the Committee or by a proposer who is a members of the YAA. Nominations to be made on the application form and sent to the Secretary, preferably these will be signed by the proposer before being submitted.
If you are new to YAA and don't know any current members, please complete an application, we will invite you to attend the next meeting and if you enjoy the company you can then become a member.
​​Each member is welcome to bring guests to meeting of the YAA, provided they are booked into the event and we have space (members will get priority)
Agricultural staff and Agricultural students of Askham Bryan College and Bishop Burton College will be extended free membership, after receipt of a membership application form.
Young Farmers - Invitations to attend meetings shall be extended to two members of the Yorkshire and Humberside Federation of Young Farmers’ Clubs free of charge.
All members and guests attending meetings are required to sign their names in the attendance book; apologies for absence will be duly noted.
The annual subscription shall be £25 payable in January in advance. Any member whose subscription is more than three months in arrears shall automatically cease to be a member.
Subject to adequate funds, the Association will award an annual scholarship of £1000 or more to an agricultural student to support their education. The award will be a merit based, competitive process and the final selection will be made by a panel of members. All applicants must live in Yorkshire at the time of application and must be studying at Askham Bryan or Bishop Burton College.
The accounts shall be audited and presented at the AGM in February, to which all members are invited to attend